Sometimes it is difficult to plan your vacations around your pet. I am here to help. I am a San Diego Pet Sitter. I love animals and I want to take care of them. I like to spend time with them and give them all the love they need. If you live in San Diego and you have a cat or dog needing care, you need a San Diego pet sitter. I will feed, water, spend time with, and play with your cat or dog. I take dogs on dog walks. I take dogs to dog parks, or the dog beach if you'd like.
I also do other tasks such as watering your plants and taking in your mail or newspaper.
If you work long hours, or are going on vacation, someone needs to care for your San Diego pets. I will do just that. I am friendly and reliable.
If you need a pet sitter, or any other type of service, use the contact form below!
We can set up an interview if you would like. I also accept last minute assignments, if you are unexpectedly having to leave town, or if your usual pet sitter can't come through at the last minute. I will be there for you.
My Fee Schedule is below.
Thanks for your time, and have fun with your San Diego pets!
References are available per your request. San Diego Pet Sitter.